Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами on the. Страница восемь

Словосочетания со словами on the. Страница восемь

on the face of it
Apparently; as it seems.
On the face of it, Joe's claim that he can swim five miles is true.
His statement that he is a millionaire is, on the face of it, false.
on the fence
sit on the fence
Not able, or not wanting to choose; in doubt; undecided. Often used with sit.
Столкнуться с каким-либо выбором, по поводу которого еще не принято решение.
Jack sat on the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track team instead of the baseball team.
Mrs. Jones has decided to vote for the Democrats, but Mr. Jones is still on the fence.
The candidates have such similar ideas that many electors are still on the fence.
У кандидатов настолько похожие идеи, что многие избиратели все еще не знают, кого выбрать.
on the fly
Busy; going somewhere in a hurry; going about doing things.
Getting the house ready for the visitors kept Mother on the fly all day.
The housekeeper of our school is always on the fly.
While in the air; in flight.
The bird caught a bug on the fly.
Joe was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly.
Between other activities; while busy with many things.
The president was so busy that he had to dictate letters on the fly.
John is very busy, and people who want to talk to him have to catch him on the fly.
on the go
Active and busy.
Successful businessmen are on the go most of the time.
Healthy, happy people are usually on the go.
on the heels of
Just after; following (something, especially an event). Often used with hard for emphasis.
Hard on the heels of the women's liberation parade, homosexuals declared a "gay pride week."
on the home stretch
To say that you're on the home stretch means that you are approaching the end of something such as a task, a race or a journey.
Приближаться к концу чего-либо – выполнения задания, гонки и т.д.
Don't give up - we're on the home stretch now!
Не сдавайся – мы уже близки к концу!
The bulk of the work is behind us now - we're on the home stretch now!
I never thought the prison sentence would end, but I feel I’m on the home stretch now.
on the hour
Each time the hour has zero minutes and zero seconds.
The uptown bus goes past the school on the hour.
The woman must take her pill on the hour.
on the house
Paid for by the owner.
Быть оплаченным владельцем; "за счет заведения".
At the opening of the new hotel, the champagne was on the house.
Oscar was the first customer at the diner, so his lunch was on the house.
You are our favorite client, the dinner is on the house.
Вы наш любимый клиент, обед за счет заведения.